Our unique Dehumidification System uses a combination or an oversized air conditioning unit with a dehumidifier to cool and dehumidify the supply air. This cooling and dehumidifying approach effectively removes excess moisture from the air, resulting in a lower temperature and humidity level in the space.

dehumidification system

Achieve a more effective working
environment for equipment and personnel

With the addition of our habitat enclosure panels, the Dehi Unit allows us to create an environment that is +/- 30 degrees ambient temperature. Even in the harshest, most humid environments, a 1,000 sq. ft. habitat using this method will not only lower the humidity, but also dry sweating piping and equipment, making it possible to perform tasks like blasting, coating, and hotwork. Implementing habitat dehumidification leads to a more efficient working environment, reduces personnel fatigue, eliminates condensation, and facilitates better paint adhesion and drying time. It also leads to cost savings.

efficient working conditions

elimination of condensation

ideal environment for paint adhesion

increased drying time

cost savings

some of the benefits of our climate control system include:

Fatigue reduction

See dehi Brochure

For more information
about our rental services

Contact Red Fountain
Equipment Rental Manager
Phone: (844) 746-6910

Email: red@p3GlobalLLC.com